Tuesday 21 December 2010

Week 5

In Week Five to to improve on my cardiovascular ability, I will be doing exercises to improve my stamina and endurance. Week Two will be a strenuous week, as it is cardiovascular training. I will evaluate my performance after the session and do an overall evaluation at the end of the week.
my aims for the week are:
For the week my goals will be;

Monday = route 1- week 2  
Tuesday = route 2- week 2
Wednesday = Rest
Thursday = Route 3 - week 2
Friday = Route 4- week 2
Saturday = Rest

Sunday = Rest 

  • To complete the weight training to full potential.
  • To improve my strenght and muscular endurance.

Week 4 Evaluation

During the fourth week of the programme, i evaluated the speed and cardiovascular endurance in which i used Fartlek training whinch consisted of jogging sprinting and walking for a long period of time. This helped to see what i needed to do to improve.

I feel that week was completed to the best of my ability as i completed the testing to my full potential and did not give up on any of the routes.

As a result of this week this was the most tierd i felt at some points there were times i thought i couldn't complete the task but i forced my self and succeded.

Week 4Day 4

This route will be the same but i will be ajusting the route so that i will be jogging up and down another hill also i will be decresing the time back to 45 minutes as i have increased the distance and dont want to push myself to hard to cause injury

Strength - this route suited me more as it cut down the time and 45minutes is more the time that i like to run and enjoy

Weakness- the hills tired me out to the point i though my legs were going to give up .

Week 4 Day 3,5,6,7

I decided that on these days i would need to rest to recover from the Fartlek training that i have previously done, so that the following week i can then work to my full potential and not be injured

Week4 Day 2

I have planned to do the same route but doing it for 50 minutes instead of 45 this will help me mostly Will the cardiovascular side as it is what i need to improve on the most to help me last the full length of a netball game.

Strength- there was not really much of an improvement i managed to complete the run.

Weakness- after i completed this run i was very tired and felt like i had injuries everywhere it was a very tough route to run as the where so many different Terrains.

Week 4 day 1

Route 1

Fartlek training
Fartlek, which means "speed play" in Swedish, is a form of conditioning which puts stress on the whole aerobic energy system due to the continuous nature of the exercise. The difference between this type of training and continuous training is that the intensity or speed of the exercise varies, meaning that aerobic and anaerobic systems can be put under stress.
1= Jog
2= Jog
3= Sprint
4= Jog
6= Sprint

For this session it lasted 45minutes

strength- I lasted the 45 minutes

Weakness- i was very tierd and short of breath

Week 4

For week four  the aspect i will be focusing on is Speed and Cardiovascular i have decided to use Fartlek training to help me improve.
I will evaluate my performance after the session and do an overall evaluation at the end of the week.
my aims for the week are:
  • To complete Fartlek training to the best of my ability
  • To improve on my speed and cardiovascular Fitness 
Monday - Route 1 
Tuesday-Route 2
Thursday-Route 3
Friday- Rest
Saturday- Rest
Sunday- Rest  

Week 3 Evaluation

During the third week of the programme, i evaluated the speed in which i can sprint for this i used Interval training whinch consisted or a short outburst of work and a rest period . This helped to see what i needed to do to improve.

I feel that week was completed to the best of my ability as i completed the testing to my full potential and did not give up on any of the sprints.

As a result of this week this was the most tierd i felt at some points there were times i thought i couldn't complete the task but i forced my self and succeded.

Week3 Day 5,6,7

I decided that on these days i would need to rest to recover from the sprinting that i have previously done, so that the following week i can then work to my full potential and not be injured.

Week 3 Day 4

30m sprint Intervals

As in the previous day i was getting slower as the intervals went on i decided that doing them again would help me.

I decided to do another 15 sprints and then if it went well i would do another 5 to push myself to my full potential.

Strength- i managed to do the extra 5 sprints without being to tired

Weakness- At the end of this session i was starting to feel Fatigued.

Week 3 day 3

Suicide intervals
Day 3 was the same as day 1 but i increased the amonut of times that i did the sprints
My aim was to try and complete the suicides in a faster time then in the previouse day.

Strength- i successfully completed the suicides in a quicker time

Weakness- As a result of doing the suicides in a quick time i was suffering with pains in my legs and joints.

Week3 day 2

30m sprint

the 30m sprint will also help me with my anaerobic capacity. helping me with my speed performance the speed i was aiming to get was 4.7 seconds.

30m Interval - sprint from the first cone to the second cone. then from the second cone to the first walk back Repeating this 15 times

Strength- i completed to my full ability

Weakness- As i did more and more i got slower as i was getting tierd

Overall the interval session went well and i completed to the maximum of my ability, but there are some improvements i could work on to help me get faster.

Monday 20 December 2010

Week3 Day 1

suicide intervals

Stand at one end of a basketball court. Listen for a whistle to begin running the suicides. Sprint as fast as you can to the free throw line on your side of the court. Touch the free throw line with your hand. Abruptly switch directions and return to the out-of-bounds line.
Sprint toward the half court line. Touch this line, switch directions and return to the out of bounds line.Run toward the free throw line on the opposite side of the court. Touch that line with your hand and return to and touch the out-of-bounds line.

Doing suicides helped me improve on my anaerobic capacity. these short outbursts helped me in netball as i will quickly need to get away from an opposite opponent.
Strengths- every run i was getting quicker

Weakness- i was very tierd after completion


Week 3

For week three  the aspect i will be focusing on is Speed i have decided to use interval training to help me improve
I will evaluate my performance after the session and do an overall evaluation at the end of the week.
my aims for the week are:
  • To complete interval training to the best of my ability
  • To improve on my speed
Monday - suicide intervals
Tuesday-30m sprint
Wednesday-Suicide intervals
Thursday-30m sprint
Friday- Rest
Saturday- Rest
Sunday- Rest  

Week2 Evaluation

During the second week of the programme, I evaluated my cardiovascular fitness by conducting routes in which were continuous . This helped to see what i needed to do to improve.

I feel that week was completed to the best of my ability as i completed the testing to my full potential and did not give up on any of the runs.

Week2 Day 5

On route 4 i increased the distance on the previous route so that i could push myself a bit harder and improve on my fitness. i also included another section which included different terrain which pushed me to my limit.

Week 2 Day 4

On this day i have decided to do the same route as day two as i need to improve on hill runs and i want to try and improve on my previouse performance

Strength- i have bagan to improve on this run i did not seem as tierd as i think i got used to the run and new what to expect from it.

Weakness- i could of completed it a faster time.

Week 2 Day 3 6 and 7

I decided that on these days i would need to rest to recover from the running that i have previously done, so that the following week i can then work to my full potential

Week2 Day2

Cardivascular Fitness

My second route of the week will be more progressed than the first this route will start to introuduce different terrain and hillwork this will be using Fartlek training


Strengths- i completed to my full potential, i decided to do 2 laps of this with a 2 minute rest to recover for the secod lap

Weakness- i was very tierd after the completion.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Week 2 - day 1

Cardivascular Fitness
this first route is a basic route not including hill work and different terrain, this will ease me into a harder training session

I will be doing a basic run around the forest recreation groung this will just include running on the grass area near Gregory Boulevard i will be running for 20 minutes seeing how may laps i can do, i will then rest for 15 minutes and do a further 20 trying to improve on the previouse amount of laps that i did.

First 20 minutes - 3 laps ( not very good )
Second 20 Minutes - 3 1/2 ( improvement of half a lap )

Week 2

In Week Two to to improve on my cardiovascular ability, I will be doing exercises to improve my stamina and endurance. Week Two will be a strenuous week, as it is cardiovascular training. I will evaluate my performance after the session and do an overall evaluation at the end of the week.
my aims for the week are:
  • To complete the cardiovascular training to full potential.
  • To improve my cardiovascular endurance.

Monday = route 1
Tuesday = route 2
Wednesday = Rest
Thursday = Route 3
Friday = Route 4
Saturday = Rest

Sunday = Rest

Week 1 Evaluation

During the first week of the programme, I evaluated my fitness by conducting fitness testing. This helped to see where the need for improvement was.

I feel that week was completedto the best of my ability as i completed the testing to my full potential i also evaluated it so that I was able to see aspects of my performance that I could improve. There were some areas that need improving on e.g. Cardiovascular Fitness this is the main focus point for me.

Week 1 - Day 6 and 7

During the first week of the programme, I decided to do Fitness testing to see what areas need to be improved on to help me with Netball training . For day six and seven i decided to rest as my body needed to recover from the exercises i did on previouse days.

Week1- Day 5

During the first week i have decided to do fitness testing to see the areas i have to improve on.
Illinois Agility

Results = 17 seconds

This result is very good and probably wouldn't be an aspect i would need to concentrate on too much. Agility in Netball is very important as it helps you to get away from your aponent and recieve a pass.

Week 1 - Day 4

During the first week i have decided to do fitness testing to see the areas i have to improve on.
Sit up test - Muscular Endurance
Alternate hand wall - helps with co-ordination

Sit up - 26
Alternate hand wall - 33

The Alternate handwall results are quite Average this would deffinetly be an area i need to improve on as co-ordination is important in Netball. The sit up results are excellent but i will still want to improve and to do this i would probably include a circuit session including different exercises like sit ups and the plank

Week 1 - Day 3

During the first week i have decided to do fitness testing to see the areas i have to improve on.
30m sprint - Measures speed in a straight line
Result = 4.7 seconds

This is an average time and would not need to be improved on to much this is because in Netball i play Goal Shooter and in this postiton there i not alot of sprinting involved.

Week 1 - Day 2

During the first week i have decided to do fitness testing to see the areas i have to improve on.
12 Minute Cooper Run - Cardio
Results = 1700m

The result for this is not so good so Cardiovascular Fitness is an area i would deffinetly have to improve on this is so i can last a full netball match without being too tierd. A distance i would be aiming for is 2000m this would be a drastic improvement.

Week 1 -Day 1

During the first week i have decided to do fitness testing to see the areas i have to improve on.

Monday = Sit and reach, Stalk test and Sergeant jump.


Sit and reach - 22 cm
Stalk Test - 73 seconds
Sergent Jump -32 cm

The results that i have recorded are not that bad so they would not need to be improved on much but if they are improved on i t will be a great success

Week 1- Fitness Testing
In week one i will be compleating a series of Fitness tests i will be doing different test to determine what needs improving on. The results will be posted as soon as the tests have taken place
Aim - To complete all tests to the best of my ability

Monday- Sit and Reach- Stalk Test - Sergent Jump
Tuesday- 12 minute cooper run
Wednesday- 30m sprint
Thursday- Sit up test
Friday - Illinois test
Staurday- Rest